Largest Telecom PSU Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has normally extended freebies for its Data Pack priced under Rs 100. BSNL now has a total of seven data Pack, and it now revised all the plans to offer more data benefit. BSNL’s most popular Data pack of Rs.57 which now offers 1GB of data for 21 days. At the same time, other data Pack of Rs 14, Rs 40, Rs 58, Rs 78, Rs 82 and Rs 85 also received a revision. Furthermore, the telcom has regularised Data Pack 155, which is not having any expiry period. Let’s dive in and take a look at what the revised data Pack from BSNL offers.
BSNL Data Pack 14
BSNL Data Pack of Rs 14 after revision, gives 1GB of free data usage with one day validity instead of 500MB of free data offered earlier for the same validity period of one day.
BSNL Data Pack 40
Next on the list, we have the Pack 40 which again offers 1GB of free data usage which comes with five days validity.
BSNL Data Pack 57
BSNL Data Pack 57 has got the best revision as it now gives 1GB of data for 21 days, better than any other private telecom service provider.
BSNL Data Pack 68, Pack 78 and Pack 82
After the Pack 57, BSNL also has an Pack 68 which now gives a user 2GB of data for five days. The Data Pack 78 offers 4GB of free data usage comes with three days validity. There’s also the Pack 82, which gives benefits of 4GB data and Personalised Ring Back Tone (PRBT) is valid for four days.
BSNL Data Pack 85
Last in the list, we have the Data Pack 85. After the revision, the Pack 85 gives a user 5GB of data for seven days. On the whole, the Pack 57 is the best plan as it gives 1GB of data with 21 days validity.
BSNL Also Regularised Data Pack 155
Aforesaid, BSNL has even regularised its Data Pack 155. In the past, the plan has been introduced as a promotional one with a validity of 90 days, however, after the regularization the plan doesn’t give any validity to the subscriber. And the best part is it’s an open market plan.
Speaking about the benefits offered by the Data Pack 155, it gives a user 2GB of daily data for a period of 17 days. This way BSNL is offering total benefit of 34GB data with its Pack 155.
BSNL Data Pack 14
BSNL Data Pack of Rs 14 after revision, gives 1GB of free data usage with one day validity instead of 500MB of free data offered earlier for the same validity period of one day.
BSNL Data Pack 40
Next on the list, we have the Pack 40 which again offers 1GB of free data usage which comes with five days validity.
BSNL Data Pack 57
BSNL Data Pack 57 has got the best revision as it now gives 1GB of data for 21 days, better than any other private telecom service provider.
BSNL Data Pack 68, Pack 78 and Pack 82
After the Pack 57, BSNL also has an Pack 68 which now gives a user 2GB of data for five days. The Data Pack 78 offers 4GB of free data usage comes with three days validity. There’s also the Pack 82, which gives benefits of 4GB data and Personalised Ring Back Tone (PRBT) is valid for four days.
BSNL Data Pack 85
Last in the list, we have the Data Pack 85. After the revision, the Pack 85 gives a user 5GB of data for seven days. On the whole, the Pack 57 is the best plan as it gives 1GB of data with 21 days validity.
BSNL Also Regularised Data Pack 155
Aforesaid, BSNL has even regularised its Data Pack 155. In the past, the plan has been introduced as a promotional one with a validity of 90 days, however, after the regularization the plan doesn’t give any validity to the subscriber. And the best part is it’s an open market plan.
Speaking about the benefits offered by the Data Pack 155, it gives a user 2GB of daily data for a period of 17 days. This way BSNL is offering total benefit of 34GB data with its Pack 155.