As per latest information, Vodafone’s new plan Chhota Champion of Rs.38 is designed for customers looking for free data usage along with free voice calls at lowest price. To fullfil this requirement Vodafone has decided to introduce lowest rate Combo benefit pack 38 (price may vary in each telecom circle) which offers, free 100 voice minutes (Local/STD) and 100MB free 4G/3G data usage with 28 days validity.
Vodafone do make note that the freebies offered along with the above pack may vary in each circle depending upon technical feasibility and availability.
In a statement Vodafone Associate Director – (Consumer Business) said, ‘Vodafone continues Vodafone continues to innovate and provide greater value for its customers. Vodafone Chhota Champion pack is another step in this direction. It is a first-of-its-kind integrated offering that allows you to stay connected for an entire month at an economical price. As an additional benefit for customers, we have also built in 100 MB of data that, we hope, will get them started on their internet journey. Now, stay confidently connected and enjoy Vodafone SuperNetTM4G experience on our best network ever’.
At Rs.38 Vodafone customer of Andhrapradesh, Telangana, MadhyaPradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand mobile customers will get 100 free voice minutes (Local/STD) and 200MB 2G data usage with 28 days validity.