Telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw told Lok Sabha that the aid package announced by the Modi government would completely transform the telecom company. With this, the minister also said that times have changed and BSNL will soon roll out 4G and 5G networks in India. BSNL will become the only telecom operator in India that is rolling out 4G with home-grown equipment.
- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has not yet been able to roll out 4G.
- BSNL was used as a source of income.
- BSNL will be back, suggests Ashwini Vaishnaw.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has not yet been able to roll out 4G. The state-owned telecommunications company has faced many difficulties due to the absence of 4G.
However, recently Modi government announced Rs 1.64 lakh crore relief package for BSNL. The aid package covers various areas such as debt restructuring, 4G investments and more to help telecoms. Ashwini Vaishnaw, India's telecom union minister recently said that some ministers have been using BSNL as a source of income.
Telecom minister Ashwini vaishnav says says times have turned for BSNL
According to a PTI report, Vaishnaw told Lok Sabha that the aid package announced by the Modi government would completely transform the telecom company. With this, the minister also said that times have changed and BSNL will soon roll out 4G and 5G networks in India. BSNL will become the only telecom operator in India that is rolling out 4G with home-grown equipment.
According to Vaishnaw, some political parties during the time of UPA rule are the reason why BSNL went through a bad phase. The minister said that many funds have been diverted. BSNL has been used as a source of income by the ministers sitting across the aisle, Vaishnaw told Lok Sabha.
He did not directly appoint any of the ministers or the political party. Vaishnaw talked about how mobile data is available at one of the cheapest rates in India which is currently less than Rs 20 per GB.
BSNL merged with Bharat Broadband Nigam Limited (BBNL) as part of the company's vision for future growth. The government has also reserved 5G spectrum for BSNL so that the state-owned telecommunications company can start offering 5G services as soon as it is ready.
Vaishnaw had previously said that BSNL could roll out 5G within seven months of 4G rollout. This means that if things stay on track for BSNL, we could see BSNL 4G and 5G in 2023.