Telegram Premium India price will give users the ability to join up to 1,000 channels, create 20 public links, and link four accounts with four different phone numbers. There are more things that have been duplicated, like the ability to save up to 400 GIFs (free users can only save up to 200 GIFs).
- Telegram Premium was launched globally.
- Telegram Premium will give users the ability to join up to 1,000 channels, create 20 public links, and link four accounts with four different phone numbers.
- Premium users will also receive a badge showing they support Telegram.
Telegram Premium was launched globally. If you update the app on your smartphone, you will be able to see the "Premium" plan within the app. Its cost has been set at Rs 460 in India and will bring many new features to the table, as well as improved functionality for users to send large files and join more channels. Here's everything you need to know about Telegram Premium.
Premium features of Telegram in India
Telegram Premium will give users the ability to join up to 1,000 channels, create 20 public links, and link four accounts with four different phone numbers. There are more things that have been duplicated, like the ability to save up to 400 GIFs (free users can only save up to 200 GIFs).
The upload size will be increased from 2GB to 4GB for documents. Additionally, users will be able to read the transcript of any incoming audio message. There will be no more ads on public channels where Telegram sometimes shows ads. Users will also be able to access things like premium stickers and more.
Premium users will also receive a badge showing they support Telegram. There will also be premium app icons, which users can choose according to their wishes. You can learn more about Telegram Premium by simply downloading the app on your smartphone, logging in with your phone number, going to Settings and then searching for Telegram Premium.
Honestly, it's a pretty expensive plan for Indians. It would have made more sense if it had been below Rs 200 per month. All currently existing features will continue to be available for free and users need not worry about a bad experience with free use. Premium plans already available in Telegram services globally and how far it will be successful have to wait interestingly.