Modi said India is preparing for 6G as it moves to 5G. He acknowledged TRAI's efforts to ensure India's transition from 2G, 3G and next-generation networking technologies smoothly. The Prime Minister has called for a rapid roll-out of 5G networks in the country.
- Not only will 5G bring the internet faster, it will also rapidly drive economic progress and fuel job creation.
- Modi said India is preparing for 6G as it moves to 5G. He acknowledged TRAI's efforts to ensure India's transition from 2G, 3G and next-generation networking technologies smoothly.
- Modi said India is preparing for 6G as it moves to 5G. He acknowledged TRAI's efforts to ensure India's transition from 2G, 3G and next-generation networking technologies smoothly.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking at the Silver Jubilee event of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), said that 5G will not only bring faster internet, but will also rapidly drive economic progress and increase seat creation. of work. Modi said India's economy will receive a $ 450 billion boost from 5G over the next decade and a half.
Prime Minister Modi called on the government and industry to cooperate and collaborate to accelerate the introduction of 5G in the country. Furthermore, according to Modi, the rollout of 5G would also benefit sectors such as agriculture, health, education, infrastructure and more.
India prepares for 6G, says Prime Minister Modi
According to a report by ET Telecom, Modi said India is preparing for 6G as it moves to 5G. He acknowledged TRAI's efforts to ensure India's transition from 2G, 3G and next-generation networking technologies smoothly. The Prime Minister has called for a rapid roll-out of 5G networks in the country.
According to a previous letter to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) wants the 5G rollout to take place before August 15, 2022.
For this to happen, spectrum auctions need to happen in a timely manner, so the Department of Transportation needs to allocate radio waves to carriers as soon as possible so they can launch 5G services. There are some concerns about 5G that India has yet to address.
A final government request on spectrum pricing is likely this week. Things like the reserve price, duration (20 or 30 years) and more will be addressed by the government. As the final decisions of the Cabinet have arrived, the Department of Transportation will proceed to publish a Notice of Call for Applications (NIA) for spectrum auctions.
If every proposal is sketched in timely, then spectrum auctions would take place in India ending July 2022. This still raises the question of whether telecom companies can launch 5G services by August 2022 in India.