Domestic mobile manufacturer Celkon India has launched new Tablet CT722 in Indian market at Rs.4999.
As per the information from Celkon new Tablet CT722 comes 7 inch multi-touch screen display has 600x1024 pixel resolution, runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop version OS, 8GB internal memory capacitive, powered by 1.2GHz quad core Intel X3 C3230RK processor, Dual Camera with 3.2 mega pixel primary camera with LED flash and 1.3 mega pixel front facing camera, supports 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS and 2,800mAh battery backup.
In a statement Chairman and Managing Director, CelKon Mobiles Y.Guru said, ‘We are making great progress towards being one of the leading players in the country and offerings such as the new CT722 will help us grow stronger. We aim to become a leading mobile seller in the country and in International markets’.
Salient features of CelKon CT722
As per the information from Celkon new Tablet CT722 comes 7 inch multi-touch screen display has 600x1024 pixel resolution, runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop version OS, 8GB internal memory capacitive, powered by 1.2GHz quad core Intel X3 C3230RK processor, Dual Camera with 3.2 mega pixel primary camera with LED flash and 1.3 mega pixel front facing camera, supports 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS and 2,800mAh battery backup.
In a statement Chairman and Managing Director, CelKon Mobiles Y.Guru said, ‘We are making great progress towards being one of the leading players in the country and offerings such as the new CT722 will help us grow stronger. We aim to become a leading mobile seller in the country and in International markets’.
Salient features of CelKon CT722
- 7 inch multi-touch display screen with 600x1024 pixels resolution
- Runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop version OS
- 1.2GHz Intel Atom X3 C323ORK quad core processor
- 8GB internal memory storage
- Micro SD external memory card slot expandable upto 32GB
- Dual Camera 3.2 mega pixel primary camera with LED flash and 1.2 mega pixel front facing cemera
- Supports 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS
- 2,800mAh battery backup
- Price tagged at Rs.4999