India’s largest mobile subscriber base Telecom Company Bharati Airtel has launched its LTE 4G services in Visakapatanam, Guntur, Vijayawada, Tirupati and Nellore districts of Andhrapradesh State.
Andhrapradesh Chief Minister has building Amaravati city near to these five districts. Airtel subscribers can really experience and enjoy uninterrupted HD quality video streaming high-speed internet services uploading and downloading for watching movies, images through Airtel 4G services.
Airtel already started its 4G services in Northern few Telecom Circle areas and extending its services in all major cities across the country. Airtel 4G services will available on customers smartphones, tablets, dongles, 4G hotspots and WiFi dongles in five districts of Andhrapradesh State.
On this occasion of 4G services launch Chief Minister of Andhrapradesh State said ‘With the Government’s vision to transform the state into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy, I congratulate Airtel for taking the lead and introducing super-fast mobile internet services to the citizens of Andhra Pradesh. With the world-class services of 4G, I am certain that the Government will work towards making every household digitally literate with a goal to make the state of AP a Global Knowledge hub’.
Andhrapradesh Chief Minister has building Amaravati city near to these five districts. Airtel subscribers can really experience and enjoy uninterrupted HD quality video streaming high-speed internet services uploading and downloading for watching movies, images through Airtel 4G services.
Airtel already started its 4G services in Northern few Telecom Circle areas and extending its services in all major cities across the country. Airtel 4G services will available on customers smartphones, tablets, dongles, 4G hotspots and WiFi dongles in five districts of Andhrapradesh State.
On this occasion of 4G services launch Chief Minister of Andhrapradesh State said ‘With the Government’s vision to transform the state into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy, I congratulate Airtel for taking the lead and introducing super-fast mobile internet services to the citizens of Andhra Pradesh. With the world-class services of 4G, I am certain that the Government will work towards making every household digitally literate with a goal to make the state of AP a Global Knowledge hub’.