PSU BSNL has launched Special Tariff Voucher (STV) of Rs.122/- offers, 1.2ps/2Sec to any network in Voice Call 2G and 3G Prepaid Mobile Services across all Telecom Circles, the details here under follows:-
Voice Call STV Details
MRP of STV Rs.122/-
Call Tariff: Local Voice Calls to Any Network at Rs.1.2p/2Seconds, with Validity for 90 days.
BSNL mobile users can activate the above STV using SMS keyword sending in the below format
Send SMS to 53733
After sending the SMS for activation of the above voice STV Rs.122/-, amount of Rs.108.58/- will be deducted from customer main account balance.
The above STV applicable as long as the customer is in Home LSA only and while in roaming necessary charges as per the plan will be charged.
STV is available for current plans, Saral Anant and special plans only.
The above Voice Call STV with effect from 10-09-2013.
Voice Call STV Details
MRP of STV Rs.122/-
Call Tariff: Local Voice Calls to Any Network at Rs.1.2p/2Seconds, with Validity for 90 days.
BSNL mobile users can activate the above STV using SMS keyword sending in the below format
Send SMS to 53733
After sending the SMS for activation of the above voice STV Rs.122/-, amount of Rs.108.58/- will be deducted from customer main account balance.
The above STV applicable as long as the customer is in Home LSA only and while in roaming necessary charges as per the plan will be charged.
STV is available for current plans, Saral Anant and special plans only.
The above Voice Call STV with effect from 10-09-2013.